Don’t want to wait 30-60 days to get paid?
Convert Your Invoices Into CASH
Alternate funding option for businesses
Take care of your Working capital needs
What Is Invoice Factoring?
Invoice factoring is a financial transaction and a type of debtor finance in which a business sells its accounts receivable to a third party at a discounted rate. To meet its present and immediate cash needs, a business will sometimes factor its receivable assets to a third party as a form of mutual agreement. Invoice factoring is described as an outright purchase of credit-approved accounts receivables, with the factor assuming bad debt losses.
Any company needs constant cash inflow to run their business. If people have debt-free commercial finance options that ensure a quick release whenever required, it becomes extremely easy to run a company without being worried about a cash shortage. Factoring can be easily and quickly availed. It’s a dependable and low-risk alternative when compared to a line of credit or a loan.
You do not have to wait for weeks to apply or to get approved. A financing institution makes an arrangement under which it takes the responsibility for credit control or protection and collection on behalf of its client, which is called factoring. They purchase their client’s receivables when required, maintain the sales ledger, attend to other book-keeping duties related to such accounts receivables, and perform other corresponding functions.

TRUCKING factoring
Recourse, Non-Recourse and Pure Non-Recourse Factor What You Want get paid in minutes after load verfication no hiddenn fees of charges

Invoice factoring is a financial transaction and a type of debtor finance in which a business sells its accounts receivable to a third party at a discounted rate. To meet its present and immediate cash needs, a business will sometimes factor its receivable assets to a third party as a form of mutual agreement. Invoice factoring is described as an outright purchase of credit-approved accounts receivables, with the factor assuming bad debt losses.
Any company needs constant cash inflow to run its business. If people have debt-free commercial finance options that ensure a quick release whenever required, it becomes extremely easy to run a company without being worried of a cash shortage. Factoring can be easily and quickly availed of. It’s a dependable and low-risk alternative when compared to a line of credit or a loan.
You don’t have to wait weeks to apply or to get approved. A financing institution makes an arrangement under which it takes the responsibility of credit control or protection and collection on behalf of its client. This is called factoring. They purchase their client’s receivables when required, maintain the sales ledger, attend to other book-keeping duties related to such accounts receivables, and perform other corresponding functions.
Invoice Factoring Services
Our suite of invoice factoring services is tailored to meet the financial needs of businesses in the trucking industry. We design our solutions to provide immediate cash flow by converting outstanding invoices into working capital, enabling you to maintain smooth operations without the stress of waiting for customer payments. QP Capital’s flexible and transparent factoring options cater to businesses of all sizes. With competitive rates, fast approvals, and dedicated support, our invoice factoring services help you manage expenses, fuel growth, and seize new opportunities in a dynamic marketplace.

Invoice Factoring Features
- Credit Cover: The client’s credit is covered through advances that help the factor take over the risk burden of the client.
- Cash Advances: Within 24 hours of receiving the documents, the factor makes cash advances to the client.
- Sales Ledgering: All details relevant to the transaction are automatically computerized and stored based on the documents exchanged.
- Collection Service: The collection of cheques and other follow-up procedures are done by the factor in its own interest followed by the purchase of the receivables or factor’s debts from the client.
- Providing Valuable Advice: Factors have a wealth of knowledge and experience due to the nature of their business. Any good factor will have a close relationship with their clients and be able to communicate successful practices and procedures they have learned from past experiences.
Invoice Factoring Types
- Recourse Factoring: In recourse factoring, the credit risk remains with the client, but the debt is assigned to the factor. The factor can contact the client in case the customer fails to repay.
- Non-Recourse Factoring: Often termed as “old-line factoring,” non-resource factoring is an arrangement in which the factor has a liability to absorb the risk of bad debt even if the customer fails to pay the bill.
Benefits and Advantages of Invoice Factoring
- Without waiting for customer payments and due dates, businesses can focus on growth and expansion.
- Factoring enables improved cash flow, and hence, businesses can manage day-to-day operational expenses, bills, and purchases when needed.
- Factoring is a key to improving the current ratio, a sign of enhanced liquidity. It also enhances working capital management, allowing the business to offer better credit terms to customers and increase orders, thereby boosting its financial health.
- It ensures prompt payment and reduces debt.
- It helps to reduce the bill financing risk like finance against accommodation bills.
- Reduces collection overheads as the factor takes care of all collection-related aspects of bills post-purchase.
Get Paid in 3 Steps With QP Capital
QP Capital is a financial institution that offers alternative business funding to its clients without the acquisition of debt. You can rely on our specialized services, such as purchasing outstanding receivables and turning paper invoices into real cash. This provides working capital to companies for startup, growth, and expansion.






The QP Factoring Difference
We keep it simple with a flat fee, no hidden charges, no long-term contracts, and a simple exit.
Once you submit your invoice within the time limit, you’ll be funded the same day or the next business day.
Our Pure Non-Recourse™ Program is the ultimate protection for trucking companies against unpaid freight.
We’ve made our sign-up process effortless for quick access to our hassle-free financial solutions.
No forced factoring here. Only factor the invoices you want to.
Each QP Capital client has a dedicated account manager to ensure that you get exceptional, personalized service each and every time!